"Voices for PEACE"- Installation in Agliè (Torino) for the International Peace Day - September 21 2023

Installations for DYLAN THOMAS DAY 2022

We lying by seasand

Dylan Thomas


Clown in the moon

Dylan Thomas


Of any flower

Dylan Thomas


This bread I break

Dylan Thomas


This bread I break

Dylan Thomas


All fishes were rayed in blood..

(Ballad of the longlegged bait)

Dylan Thomas


O make me a mask

Dylan Thomas


"Gaze for peace" - installation villa il Meleto aglié - 2021

wish tree for hirshhorn Museum  WASHINGTON DC project-2021

Lidia Chiarelli's WISH TREE is the response to the call of the Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Museum WASHINGTON DC

"Eyes to see the RENAISSANCE of WONDER"

...quoting Lawrence Ferlinghetti



Peace Trees in the path - Villa Il Meleto -  Agliè 2020

Installation artist Lidia Chiarelli in the time of Coronavirus

Villa IL MELETO - Agliè  - September 2020

ART&POETRY TREE - Adel Gorgy's Garden - Long Island NY - 2011

"Omaggio a Nonna Speranza" Biennale di Venezia-Special Edition Torino (December 2011-February 2012)

''Omaggio a Nonna Speranza'' - installation - Biennale di Venezia - Special Edition for the 150th Anniversary of Italian Unification- Torino (dicembre 2011 - febbraio 2012)

Albero della Poesia - Villa Il Meleto Agliè (Torino) 2012

Poems for Peace - Poesie per la Pace -Parco del Castello di Agliè (Torino) - 2015

"ONLY FOR YOUR EYES" Promotrice delle Belle Arti - Torino 2014/2015

Path to Peace - Sentiero di Pace, Agliè (Torino) - 2016

Gardens for Peace - Giardino per la Pace - Agliè (Torino) 2019